Dental veneers near you offer a simple way to change the appearance of one or more imperfect teeth. Your dentists offer veneers to transform smiles and help boost self-esteem.
Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain used to restore the natural look of tooth enamel while providing strength. These restorative layers conceal stains or slight imperfections. There are four main issues that veneers can change for the better.
Teeth treated with veneers can be brushed and flossed as you normally would. It is important to keep the gum tissue around the veneer clear of plaque. As always, keep up with routine dental checkups to maintain good oral and overall health. Although veneers are strong, do not use your restored teeth to as tools or to bite into extremely hard foods. If you clench and grind your teeth in your sleep, a custom-fitted nightguard might be recommended to protect your investment.